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mosquitera 2

For economic and ecological reasons, the use of mosquito nets is preferable to insecticides or other chemicals. Doors and windows can be protected with frames, curtains or mosquito nets. Thanks to these accessories, it is possible to enjoy the summer without suffering an invasion of undesirable insects.

They serve to prevent flying insects, such as flies and mosquitoes, from entering the living room or bedroom. Mosquito nets help preserve the atmosphere of the house from traditional chemicals used against insects. In the long term, these accessories represent considerable savings. In fact, they do not need to be replenished or replaced, except in the event of severe wear or tear.

Keep your privacy and protect your home from the sun

Window panes are great for keeping your home nice and cool on hot summer days. A great advantage compared to curtains and blinds is that they allow you to see through the window. Another great advantage is that the screens are installed outside of your house, which means that you still have the option of hanging curtains inside the home if you consider so.

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